How Blatchford supports Edmonton’s climate goals

With its emphasis on building energy efficient homes, heating and cooling buildings with renewably-sourced energy and supporting a pedestrian-friendly, car-free lifestyle, Blatchford fits into the City of Edmonton’s plans for a climate resilient city.

Blatchford homes will release about 75 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than homes in a typical community.

Those plans include reducing carbon emissions. Here’s an example of how Blatchford is helping to lower GHGs: While about 40 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in Edmonton are produced from buildings, Blatchford homes will release about 75 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than homes in a typical community. This is thanks to elements like a District Energy Sharing System and the requirement that homebuilders agree to meet Blatchford-specific green building codes.

District energy (like Blatchford’s) is also a key part of the City’s Energy Transition Strategy, which outlines that 36 per cent of greenhouse gas emission reductions are to come from energy system transformation.

Learn more about the climate survey: Read this article and download the full report.
