Eco-Solar Home Tour – June 2, 2024

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Join us in Blatchford for the 2024 Eco-Solar Home Tour on Sunday, June 2. Drop by anytime between 12-5pm – no tickets required!

Energy Centre One will be on display as it contains the highly-efficient centralized system that provides renewable energy for heating, cooling and hot water to homes and buildings in Blatchford. This energy system plays a critical role in working to achieve the community’s vision.

Attendees are also welcome to tour the community to see various sustainable community design elements, including urban agriculture, low impact development landscaping, street design that promotes walkability, separated bike lanes, etc. Two of Blatchford’s homebuilders – Landmark Homes and Carbon Busters – are also stops on the tour this year.

Find us at:

2645 Blatchford Road NW

Sunday, June 2

Visit for more information.