June Construction Update

Crews have been hard at work at Blatchford since the start of the construction season in May. In just over a month and a half, crews have made major progress installing the underground utilities that will service the first residential stage.

The work includes installing storm, sanitary and water mains, as well as piping for the District Energy Sharing System (DESS). Crews have also been working on Airport Road to connect the utilities in Blatchford to existing services outside the site.

Once the underground utilities have been installed, the project team will move forward with Stage 1 local road construction.

Here’s a quick look at some of the work that has taken place so far this year:

Crews install the main stormwater line under the future Blatchford Road. The line will carry storm runoff to the pond, where it will be held prior to discharge into the City’s downstream drainage pipe system.
Crews install a storm line under what will eventually be Blatchford Road .
Excavation takes place on Airport Road to allow for installation of underground utility connections.
A catch basin is installed at a new location on Airport Road.
A new curb and sidewalk is installed on a modified alignment on Airport Road.
Trenching for the sanitary and storm sewer pipes under the future Blatchford Road and Alpha Boulevard. Sewer installation will be followed by installation of the District Energy Sharing System (DESS) delivery system. The DESS is capable of sharing energy between buildings, which will significantly reduce overall energy demand.
District Energy Sharing System (DESS) piping arrives at the site. The DESS will operate as an on-site energy system for the community.