Blatchford: Connecting to NAIT’s future

Students in NAIT’s Alternative Energy Technology program have a clear view of Blatchford. The program’s classroom and laboratory, located in the NAIT Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology, border the site where the new community will be built. It’s a fitting location for the centre given Blatchford’s goal to use sustainable sources of energy.

“NAIT has a number of academic and trades programs that will tie directly into the sustainability initiatives in Blatchford,” explains Dr. Glenn Feltham, NAIT’s president & CEO. “What’s also exciting is that the educational and applied research opportunity is just one part of the potential relationship. The opportunities to work together including partnering on sustainability and collaborating on other initiatives will make Blatchford truly outstanding.”

With a significant portion of the east side of the Blatchford development backing onto the NAIT Main Campus, the partnership opportunities are extensive — including the opportunity for the polytechnic to build student housing.

For Dr. Feltham, student housing is long overdue at NAIT. “We are Canada’s largest post-secondary without student housing. Until Blatchford, we did not have the space to build a student residence on campus.”

In addition to housing, Blatchford and NAIT are also discussing campus expansion and the potential for shared recreational and athletic facilities.

“Working together will strengthen both Blatchford and NAIT,” says Dr. Feltham. “We are thrilled to be a part of the Blatchford community and to see our partnership develop.”

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